首页»美剧 » 警之光第二季 » 第02集
类型:犯罪 剧情 欧美 地区:英国 年份:2024 
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电影天堂  Grace, Annie and Tommy are growing up fast as police officers, but nothing can prepare them for the turmoil they face every day. It’s a year since the fall of the McIntyre crime gang and the vacuum has been filled by rival gangs, all competing for dominance. Constable Shane Bradley is drafted in to help, but his motivations are unclear. Tommy is dangerously seduced by the world of intelligence policing, while Grace struggles to deal with her son’s absence, and growing feelings for fellow officer Stevie. As a young loyalist threatens to take over the city, the officers face a major gangland feud – culminating in a violent and devastating confrontation.
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    克里斯汀·米利欧缇,克里斯·迪亚曼托普洛斯,卡洛斯·安东尼奥,凯莱布·富特,萨鲁纳斯·J·杰克逊,宝拉·阿巴杜,维萨姆·基什,安吉拉·林,Tyler Jeffrey Smith

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    本·奥德里基,德克兰·本尼特,西沃恩·卡伦,珀尔·麦基,马丁·肖,茱丽叶特·斯蒂文森,伊芙·海因德,Dylan Edwards,安妮塔·多布森,Sarah Gordy,内尔·莫里西,妮娅·格温,阿米特·沙阿,艾伦·威廉姆斯,Iona Anderson,约翰-保罗·麦克劳德,查理·安森,Jenny Platt,露丝·霍洛克斯

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    Gianna Aragon,夏奇拉·巴雷拉,Luca Costanzo,Tom Costanzo,古列雷莫·迪亚兹,伊莎贝拉·费雷拉,Aidan Foley,Liam Foley,Matthew Furfaro,奥利·哈斯基维,大卫·伊亚科诺,阿杰·奈杜,Anthony Norman,奥斯卡·努内斯,Kylie Liya Page,卡米拉·佩雷斯,达芬妮·鲁宾-维佳,米盖尔·桑多瓦尔

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